I have a soft spot for Bristol. A great combination of old and new UK and lots of innovative SMEs!
We have seen large numbers of companies from the South West in Australia in recent months and they have demonstrated many times that smart companies with good products who prepare well often do good business in Australia.
I had forgotten how beautiful the scenery is across the North West of England and into Southern Scotland. Even the heavy, dark sky did not take away from the majestic vistas. The journey put me in a great mood for my first working visit to Glasgow. I met with five fantastic companies all looking to build their export markets into Australia. They told me that the retail sector had been hit quite hard by the recession. But they, and many other companies, were seeing great opportunities for export. The weaker pound meant UK exports looked better value in overseas markets and that UKTI could support them to make the most of these opportunities.
I am writing this as I sit on the new Qantas A380 heading for UK. It’s over a year since I was back in UK. The last time I arrived I turned on the radio in my hire car to hear the news that Lehman Brothers had collapsed. The subsequent four hour drive to my home in Yorkshire left me concerned for the first time in my life that the banks might just fall over and something which had always felt guaranteed was actually at risk. So what will I find this time?
Flew in to Buenos Aires with huge views of River Plate and a sense of Spring. We are going in to winter in UK and it is a delight to experience the joy of new growth and Spring sunshine. Two …
Peruvian food is the best in S. America - so the Peruvians say. It certainly is delicious - there’s a Peruvian restaurant near Waterloo station in London. The potato of course is Peru’s gift to the world, a real global …
At Santiago airport after zooming down a bit of Route 5. This is the road that goes the whole length of Chile. It makes Route 66, of Rolling Stones fame, seem tame We were returning from visiting a BG …
I have metal in both my ankles, the legacy of a misspent youth, and it set off the security scanner at Chicago International Airport. It’s not my first time, so I deliberately travel without pockets, flaunt my ankles to anyone …
I'm not sure that I'd be able to catch Richard Morris as he speeds around the region but I have had quite a breathless time myself as an International Trade Advisor in the South-West and now as a Trade Development …