Asia Task Force Guest blogger Alastair Lukies is Group Chief Executive at Monitise. He is a business speaker on the masterclass panel at the ‘Business in Asia: Meet the Ambassador’ event to be held in London on May 3rd 2012. …
Guest blogger Ben Taylor is Assistant Chief Executive at Renishaw. He is a business speaker on the masterclass panel at the Business in Asia: Meet the Ambassador event to be held on May 3rd For our financial year ending June 2011, …
The highlight of April so far for me has been the opening of the first ever Ben & Jerry's ice cream parlour in Japan (left). At last I can get my hands on a Chunky Monkey again! (am I allowed …
With my wife due to give birth to our first child this week, my mind has turned to the future. What sort of world will our son grow up in? Like any ambitious father, I want Daniel Jr to do …
I’ve been a bit distracted lately. I had a marvellous holiday in Mexico with my wife and then came back to the birth of my new grand-daughter. Ava Violet Elizabeth is absolutely gorgeous and I’m happy to report that mother …
Why is that the weather's always glorious during the week and then come Saturday it pours with rain? Well, maybe not always, but certainly that's been the pattern here the last two weekends. Never mind, it's provided the perfect excuse …
Minister for Trade and Investment Lord Stephen Green visited the North East this week to help me launch the Export Challenge for the region. Broadly the Chancellors target of doubling exports by 2020 translates into some specifics for the North …
Flags across Japan flew at half mast on Sunday 11 March, to commemorate the first anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that claimed so many thousands of lives. The country paused for a minute's silence at 1446, the exact moment …
From Mike Leigh to chimney linings, the King’s Speech to plastic traffic barriers and young British actresses to networked TV and internet solutions. It was just another two weeks in the life of UKTI Germany and the range of work …
Role models can be very inspiring. Sometimes you find them in the most unexpected places. I read a lot of comics during my early teens. My absolute favourites were the comics about superheroes like The Justice League, the Fantastic Four …